" Getting To Know Jepara Carving Crafts "

Jepara, Oct 7 th , 2015 bbc.co.id - Jepara carving craft is a craft that has become heritage of the past that kept be maintained and developed for generations. Jepara city is known as the city's central carve for carving craft has reached overseas. Communities around since childhood has learned to carve and become occupation during adult life. Many open schools in Jepara carve to increase human resources in the around even got out of town. Carvings usually comes from teak wood, mahogany, sengon. The handicrafts are also a variety ranging from motives reliefs, statue and others. Carving Crafts from Jepara have characteristics that can not be replicated that shape patterns and motives. Like motif tassels or end niches such as shape fan leaf that opened but at the end of the tapered leaves and there are 3 to 4 seeds out of the base. Twisted stalk, the style grows extends and spread small branches to fill the space and...